Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Photos from Mr Cav's trip - Mona and Mark Calvzacoli, Buffalo, NY

Mom moving one of the cubs -gently taking her by the head !!
Mom and and one of the cubs - beautifully posed for the camera

The Katuma pride had 3 sets of cubs in 2009, 3 of the 4 females each had 3 cubs. This was one of the babies from the last set born in 2009. Todate, September 2010, of the 9 cubs there appears to be 6 still with the pride.

White browed Coucal

Photos from a Guests Larissa Sototskaya

Young waterbuck (defasse) playing on the banks of the river.
Impala males rutting to see who will win the 'ladies'

Hippo on the move.... usuall they are fast asleep on the banks of the river

A family of banded mongeese (mongooses!!)

Elephant about to shake the tree in order to get some of the seeds to eat

Crocodiles 'multiplying' ??

One of Larissa's many excellent sightings - a huge monitor lizard walking across the bridge carrying his 'dinner' - a cat-fish when of hundreds splashing around in the depleting river.